
● 每位教师都是高素质的、有丰富经验的、热情的,献身于孩子和教育事业。

● 教师积极与每个孩子互动,提高每个孩子的学习体验。

● 教师为孩子提供悉心的照料、安全的环境和科学的护理。

● 教师全程陪伴孩子的日常活动,保证孩子的安全健康,同时培养良好礼仪和日常习惯。

● 根据每个孩子不同的兴趣、能力和需求,教师为每个孩子设计不同的教学内容,因材施教,有效引导,最大程度提高孩子的学习能力。

● 在促进独立的同时,教师鼓励孩子建立友谊和积极的态度。每天,教师都期待着能从孩子身上学习和被他们启发。

Little Unicorn Academy staff is a team of experienced, dedicated, and passionate educators. They are determined to help each student reach his or her academic potential while building a life-long love of learning.

At our centre the Teachers and Management Staff work in partnership with both parents and students to create a school environment that is comfortable and welcoming for everyone. We strive to create strong relationships and open dialogue with parents, as we believe they are key for a child's progress and success.

● Each of the teachers is highly qualified, experienced, enthusiastic, and is devoted to the children and the curriculum.

● Teachers are encouraged to interact with each child on a one-on-one basis to enhance each child’s learning experience. 

● Teachers provide a nurturing, safe environment and go beyond the care level offered by a typical child care facility.

● Teachers participate in daily activities alongside the children and continually promote healthy nutrition and offer a gourmet Hot Lunch program. Children are taught how to eat properly, using ‘grown-up’ plates and utensils, promoting proper etiquette, responsibility and accountability.

● Additionally, teachers provide a solid foundation for enhancing students' learning through well-developed, inspiring educational programs tailored to each child's interests, skills, and needs.

● Teachers work to encourage students to develop friendships and positive attitudes while promoting independence. On a daily basis, teachers look forward to both learning from their students and being inspired by them.

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Teacher: Summer

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Teacher: Darcy 

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Teacher:  Nana
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Teacher: Lix

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Teacher: Amanda

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Teacher: Janet


Teacher: Michelle

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Teacher: Shiny

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Teacher: Lix

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Teacher: Amanda

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Teacher: Janet


Teacher: Michelle

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Teacher: Shiny

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