校长寄语From our Head of School


“Hi, 欢迎关注我们即将落地于中国西安的加拿大独角兽启智园!我们为18个月到6岁的孩子提供高质量的教育。



“Hi, welcome to Little Unicorn Academy Canada here in Xi’an, China!We offer exceptional education for children from 18 months to 6 years of age.

The reason why I came here to China is to open several early learning facilities of high quality, just like the ones we have in Europe and Canada. My deepest dream and desire is to create the same opportunity here for the children in China as the ones children have in the western countries.

I am inviting you to check our website. I hope to see you in one of our facilities sometime soon. Please call us to make an appointment and I would be delighted to discuss the educational needs of your children.

Thank you so much. See you soon!”

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