独角兽理念Mission Philosophy

“学习即体验,经历即成长,其他的一切都只是为这个过程提供信息罢了.”  ——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦




“头脑不是一个会被填满的容器, 而是一把需被点燃的火把.”  ——普鲁塔克







· 教学方式结合视觉、听觉、动觉

· 以丰富的教学方式激活大脑的不同区域

· 适用于任何特性的儿童

· 应用于全科目,从阅读到数学、从音乐到科学

· 在个性化学习引导上更具灵活性

· 动态和富有参与性的课堂体验





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“金字塔、大教堂和火箭之所以存在并不是因为几何学、结构理论或热力学,而是因为在建造它们的人心中,它们首先是一副图景,是一个形象。社会发展到今日,创造力和艺术为人们所提供的感知、形象和想象力,才是使世界成为我们今天生活的样子的原因。”  ——尤金 弗格森

“ Learning is experiencing. Everything else is just information ”.  ——Albert Einstein

At Little Unicorn Academy, we believe that all children are smart in different ways.


By providing a solid foundation for lifelong passion for learning, we offer every child exceptional learning experiences and help them access their full creative and intellectual potential. We believe that it is the best way to prepare children for a productive life in a 21st century global environment. 


A passion for learning stems from insatiable curiosity and continued stimulation. Every child in our school will experience the joy of success and as a result, strive to reach new educational heights. Through active engagement in their learning process, they will develop an unquenchable desire to know more. This desire turns into a passion for learning that ultimately leads to continued academic success and a fulfilled life.

“ The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited. ”  ——Plutarch

We recognize that each child learns and processes information differently and has his own learning needs and learning styles. We use powerful teaching strategies to deliver information through several sensory channels: auditory, visual and kinesthetic.


This unique teaching approach allows children to better understand, retrieve and remember information they have experienced. They will also be able to transfer and apply their knowledge to other areas.


In essence, exposure to our programs will help develop a strong learner, creative, independent thinker who has the ability to adapt to any eastern or western environment and compete effectively in an international environment. 

What is the essence of LUA teaching method:

· Combines visual, auditory, kinesthetic learning aspects

· Activates different parts of the brain by using these various teaching methods

· Effective and successful for every type of learner

· Can be applied to any subject from reading and math, to music and science

· Provides the flexibility for more personalized and individualized instruction

· Helps create a dynamic and engaged classroom experience

What are the benefits in using multiple sensory channels when teaching young children?

Using this approach gives children the advantage of simultaneously utilizing all three pathways, visual (what we see), auditory (what we hear), and kinesthetic/tactile (what we feel), to learn new concepts, patterns and words.


Its helps break down difficult abstract ideas, by teaching them in a concrete manner, so lists and sequences are learned through sights, sounds, and movements. 

The Power of an Integrated Arts Education

"Pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets exist not because of geometry, theories of structures, or thermodynamics, but because they were first a picture - literally a vision- in the minds of those who built them. Society is where it is today because of people who had the perception, the images and the imagination that creativity and the Arts provide, to make the world the place we live in today."  ——Eugene Ferguson

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